Interdisciplinary and socio-political engagement

Interdisciplinary and socio-political engagement


It is no secret that the year 2016, could be considered to be one of the worst years in recent memory regarding the turmoil not only in society but the ever-changing political climate. In many ways, it almost feels like regardless of topic that the subject of political scandal seems to take to take centre stage. Theatre N099 arguably, predicted and capitalised on this looming turmoil the was on the horizon and, were early adopters of Estonia’s societal paranoia, confusion and disenchantment for the need, and want for real change. United Estonia (2015), transformed a humble theatre company, into the very contenders for the very real leadership of their own country. This theatrical uprising led everyday people to adopt a new way of thinking where politics became a social event that was viewed by all.






 “Theatre NO99 is a theatre, but it is also much more. Theatre NO99 is a serial work of contemporary art” (no99, 2016).

United Estonia: Theatre N099


“Theatre NO99 is a theatre, but it is also much more. Theatre NO99 is public space. In a globalising and atomising world, there are ever fewer places that belong to everyone and which would bring together people who do not know each other already in advance. Places that would unite society. Theatre is not a product, the spectator is not a customer. It is precisely performing arts with meeting at their centre that has a special role in creating public space, be it spiritual or physical, in the era of the brave new world that is spreading its wings. NO99 Theatre is just such a space” (no99, 2016).


The importance of Theatre N099 should not be understated. In 2010, Theatre N099 carried out what they describe as “one of the largest theatre events in contemporary Europe” (no99, 2016), with the attendance of 7, 500 spectators witnessing a socio-political, theatrical revolution. Considered by critics as, “the most extraordinary in form and the most intriguing in effect” (no99, 2016), organized a press-conference roughly one year before the next official parliamentary election was due to take place, calling for radical change with a fresh face for the humble politically divided country of Estonia, titled United Estonia. The fictitious political party United Estonia, “had a visual identity, an anthem, slogans, everything. And there they were – the actors, in suit and dress, and they sure did look and talk like politicians” (no99, 2016). This theatrical uprising led to what Theatre N099 describe as “an artwork that was both an interesting example of political theatre and a radical reinvention of the possible role of performing arts in contemporary democratic societies” (no99, 2016).


Theatre N099, United Estonia event. 


In many ways, United Estonia has arguably, ghosted the political kayos and spectacle that is often hand in hand with leading political parties as evidenced by both British and American politics. An unfortunate counterpart to this almost farcical event would be comparing it to the leadership of a television personality running for the position of The United States of America president… (oh wait, that really happened.) This radical party mocked the very democracy it was built on and, proved that even something as vital as a democratic society can be manipulated with simple direct words and vast spectacle. (Do you see a connection to our own world yet?).




Cassetteboy remix the news: 2016 review special



“Unified Estonia” was a hyper-populist party that was everything for everybody. It used every trick from the populist handbook, copying from existing parties and manipulating the media. With numerous interviews, press releases, poster campaigns and scandals it was constantly front page news. Within a short time span it managed to theatralise the whole society, exposing the hidden mechanisms of populist politics to a very wide audience” (no99, 2016).


If any positive comments could be made regarding Theatre N099 project United Estonia was that it questioned the very fundamentals of what makes live art real? This too, ghosts the disbelief of the scandals of 2016’s political turmoil concerning the very questioning of the leading political candidates. It also led to politics taking almost every leading headline and, making the people of Estonia question how this new radical party seemingly from nowhere, was able to gain such a following. In many ways  Theatre No99, capitalised on the consumeristic need for spectacle and even used the words of famous Greek playwrights to convey their very deep and theatrical rhetoric.



Charlie Brooker – Donald Trump

Satire writer and comedian gives his take on political candidate Donald Trump.


“So was it politics or “just art “? Nobody really could tell. Some experts predicted that „Unified Estonia” would get 20% of the vote at the next elections. Which kept many politicians in various parties extremely nervous. [Sic]” (no99, 2016).


In many ways, this socio-political performance ghosts the very obscenities of politics in the first place and, could be an interesting subject from which to explore through performance.


The future look bright right? Or maybe a slightly tanned orange…




Work Cited.

Consumer (2016) Charlie Brooker – Donald Trump.

. Available from[accessed 01 January 2017].


Teater NO99 (2015) Ash and Money PQ eng sub.

. Available from [accessed 15 October 2016].


The Guardian (2016) Cassetteboy remix the news: 2016 review special.

. Available from [accessed 15 October 2016].


no99 (2016) No75 Unified Estonia Assembly Estonia:  N099. Available from [accessed 14 October 2016].

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